Are You Ready To

Activate Your Artist Identity?

Can you commit to your creative dreams for just 1 hour a day for 30 days?

Join The ARTworkaholic 30 Day Challenge

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Increase your creativity & productivity as an artist with 30 simple lessons in 30 short days.

✓ Break Through Your Creative Resistance

✓ Build Your Confidence as a Visual Artist

✓ Discover the Therapeutic Power of Art

✓ Develop Your Fine Art Studio Skills

✓ Make, Share & Sell More of Your Art

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You can live the life of your dreams when you Activate Your Artist Identity

Our daily lives get busy with all our various responsibilities but we can't let our creative dreams slip through the cracks. We all need a way to get ourselves "IN THE ZONE" to create the life we were born to live.

You can overcome resistance by tapping into your creative flow.

There is a delicate balance between making our art on a regular basis, and doing so without reaching burnout. We have to avoid giving in to distractions, excuses or creative blocks. We can overcome our insecurities, frustrations and feelings of overwhelm by focusing on one simple task at a time.

Work/Life balance is a challenge for everyone but it's especially important to our mental wellbeing as artists. Our society tends to value logic and linear thinking over creativity and intuition, but the truth is we all need both.

Art is often viewed as only a final product, but I am much more interested in the entire creative process. We learn so much about ourselves and the world as we explore our more creative side.

That's why I believe anyone could benefit from this 30 DAY CHALLENGE to Activate Your Artist Identity.

Everyone is welcome here, whether you consider yourself an artist or not. If you desire more creativity in your life, and are open minded and willing to do the work, you can do this... but this journey is not to be taken lightly. This is serious work to tap into our identity as artists and creators of all kinds.

We have to trust the process of creation and ultimately believe in our ability to learn, grow and change for the better. Art is a skill that can be learned by anyone as well as a gift we are given to share our unique perspective with the world. It has value on many levels. It is one of the most powerful tools you can use to impact the world and/or explore your own identity on a very deep level.

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I know this because I have lived this life as an independent artist for over two decades now.

My name is Janessa Bookout, and I created this unique 30 day Challenge to share my years of experience as a professional artist and entrepreneur. I have had incredible success at times but also had to endure hitting almost every form of resistance imaginable.

I started from humble beginnings in New Mexico and Oklahoma and fought hard to be where I am today.

After many years of formal education, self education and working as a professional artist, I have now evolved even further into being a business owner, an author and now a certified life coach to my fellow artists.

I am now offering you 30 days of my 30 most important lessons on Artist Mindset, Art Studio Skills and Artist Business Basics. I built this to help you Activate Your Artist Identity as you break through your various forms of resistance by committing to this simple daily practice that will encourage your creativity, productivity and overall positivity.

I honestly believe this process could change your entire perspective on life if you let it.

I believe this because that's exactly what happened to me. It took me much longer than 30 days to learn all this but I will be condensing things down into simple daily lessons and assignments with optional additional resources for you to expand on that day's lesson if you so choose.

I'm really excited about sharing these lessons with you, because I personally know how much this knowledge can help. Once I fully stepped into my identity as an independent artist, everything changed for me. I just rolled up my sleeves, dove in to figure it out myself, and I never looked back.

Well, except now, to notice how far I have come, and all I can say is WOW! I can't imagine how different my life would have been without art.

So now.... Let's get back to you!

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Fast forward into your future... Can you see yourself on the day you complete this 30 Day Challenge.

Imagine stepping up to your next blank canvas (or whatever your medium is) but everything has changed.

You are centered, confident and eager. You finally broke those chains that were holding you back. You take your next step forward as an artist to find out who you really are. You are armed for battle against resistance with a positive mindset and a strong sense of self.

You have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. You have a plan. You are taking action. You are making progress on your goals and ready to start making and sharing more of your art.

You really are an independent artist, and you're fully empowered to make your art.

Your art might be a daily business activity, a weekend hobby or just a self-care practice you use when you need it, but whatever it is to you, you respect it and honor it in your own way.

You finally understand that there's only one way to get things done anyway... by actually DOING them.

So you just start with where you are today. You commit to taking one creative action at a time because you can do anything, but you can't do everything at the same time. You ground yourself with the basics of truly BEING an artist and move on from there.


Being an artist is not always an easy road, but I'd say it's always more fulfilling to take steps in the right direction than to spend a lifetime eternally wondering, "What if I had tried?" and making excuses for why you never did.

You can tune into the deepest part of yourself by activating your more creative and intuitive right brain (what I call the "artist brain"). You will also be training some parts of your more logical and productive left brain (what I call your "business brain").

This mindset activation and release process allows both aspects of your mind to work together, taking turns and/or working in unison to support you rather than causing your frustration, creative blocks or emotional overwhelm.

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So who EXACTLY is this for?

Visual Artists who feel lost, stuck, unmotivated or overwhelmed.

Creators of all kinds who don't consider themselves "real" artists yet.

Beginners, crafters and hobbyists who love making art just for fun.

Anyone willing to commit to 30 days of creative lessons, assignments and resources.

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YES! You really can improve your mindset, wellbeing and overall creativity through the consistency of daily lessons and easy to complete daily assignments.

This 30 Day Challenge is designed to "Activate Your Artist Identity" in various ways to stimulate both creativity and productivity as an artist or creator of any kind.

This program was primarily made for part-time visual artists with full-time jobs. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, intermediate or a well established artist, everyone can benefit on some level from this 30 Day ARTworkaholic Challenge.

The minimum requirements would be the ability to read and write, some minimal hand eye coordination and a willingness to focus on a lesson or assignment for at least 1 hour a day.

The real change you are dreaming of is only possible, however, IF you are ready to put in the work.

Are you ready to become an ARTworkaholic?

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Who is Janessa Bookout?

Janessa Bookout works as a professional artist herself and has worked supporting other professional artists, art galleries and creative fabrication businesses for over 20 years.

She graduated with a Bachelor's of Fine Art from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2004 and has lived in Southern California since 2008.

Janessa owns and operates several creative businesses including a custom surfboard company and an online coffee and tea company. There is very little in art or buisiness she hasn't handled on some level.

She is also now a certified life coach and the published author of "ARTworkaholic", an Amazon Best Seller in the Business of Art category.

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What will you do during the 30 Day ARTworkaholic Challenge?

Improve your Mindset to Create a Life You'll Love

Learn New Studio Skills or Refresh Yourself on Basics

Focus on Your Creative Goals for 30 days in a row

Get Links to Additional Resources (optional)

This is how it works:

Every day for 30 days, you will get an email from Janessa Bookout. Some emails will be written in plain text for easy reading, while some may have images, pdfs or links to videos for tutorials as needed.

Daily assignments will be included in each email and you will reply to each email with your completed assignment. Many assignments will require a bit of writing and/or some very basic art supplies.

Every assignment is optional of course, but anyone who completes the 30 Day Challenge and replies to each daily email with their assignment will qualify for a FREE 1-on-1 CONSULTATION with Janessa Bookout via zoom or telephone call to discuss your personal progress, goals and action plan moving forward.

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Daily Email Lessons

Daily Assignments

Additional Resources for Artists

Bonus Live 1-on-1 Consultation

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A Note to the ARTworkaholic VIPs

from Janessa Bookout:

Hello My Artsy Friend,

This 30 Day Challenge is currently a work in progress, and is set at a PRE-LAUNCH price of only $97 for a limited number of Invite Only VIP friends & family. The course will eventually be priced at a retail value of $297 or more for the public so please take advantage of this discounted offer while you can.

It's a heck of a deal if you ask me, compared to the $100k+ I have spent on an ivy league art school education and online courses, certifications, in-person retreats and workshops. That's not to mention decades of work experience and endless hours of self-guided research to gather the knowledge I put into this program.

PLUS... This first group of beta testers who participate in the Summer 2024 live launch will get lots of special attention and added BONUSES as I go through this experience for 30 days with a live audience for the first time.

If you got the invite to this page and made it this far, you must be pretty special, so I look forward to meeting you or getting to know you better very soon!

I'm excited to see your progress as we embark on this journey together toward a bright future ahead!


Janessa "The ARTworkaholic" Bookout

P.S. Thank you for being a part of my journey as my own artist dreams are still coming true to this day and I can't wait to help do the same for you!

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Increase Your Overall Creativity and Productivity

Build Your Confidence as a Visual Artist

Develop Your Unique Artist Identity

Make, Share and Sell More Art

Enroll Now In the ARTworkaholic 30 Day Challenge:


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